Location: We couldn't read the kanji. >_>; The restaurant is across the street from the Sun Plaza Hotel in Hirakata-shi. Very Classy.
Members present: Kristin, Owen, Kelly O., Kelly, R.
Parfaits tried:
2 Strawberry Parfaits ¥840 each
2 Chocolate Parfaits ¥840 each
Strawberry--strawberries, vanilla, chocolate sticks (white and dark chocolate blend), wafers, custard, whipped cream, small piece of chocolate cake, orange slice and strawberry jam at the bottom.
Chocolate--chocolate, bananas, vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, chocolate sticks, custard, flakey pastry of sorts, and an orange at the bottom.
Note--There may also have been a chocolate chip cookie somewhere in there, but only two members noticed it.
Kristin--These parfaits are surprising and enjoyable. Every bite is different. Of course, they are also expensive and can only be afforded on rare occasions. Still, the size and taste is worthy.
Kelly R.--Very delicious. Best enjoyed when eaten slowly so that you notice the differences in every layer of parfait. The setting is classy, with good service. A good place to take a date, or to go when someone else will pay for you! The parfait really was excellent. I did feel a little ill afterwards from the sheer amount of whipped cream.
Owen--This parfait was very, very good. The parfait's layers were each a new and different experience, each with its own flavor. The service is wonderful, and very worth the experience. All and all, these bad boys are to die for!
Kelly O.--A very classy restaurant with very classy parfaits. All of the desserts were edible works-of-art, and the aesthetic value alone was well worth the price. Not to overlook the taste, of course--every bite gave us some different combination of tasted, and each one was amazing. Highly recommended, especially if one wants to feel very high-class for a night. ^.^
A note on the date:
We did this Parfait Quest on a Friday because Kelly R. was going to be out of town that Saturday. However, it still counts as our weekly Quest, and thus it is labelled as a Saturday Parfait.
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