Location: づぼらや South of Den Den Town in Osaka, in Osaka Shinsekai. Turn right after the tower.
Members present: Kristin, Owen, Kelly O., Kelly R.
Parfaits tried: 4 Chocolate Parfaits; ¥500 each
Ingredients: Very rich chocolate ice cream, cornflakes, raspberries, pineapple, and whipped cream. Decorated with Pocky and some green candy.
Kristin--The restaurant itself was nice and roomy, making this a great place for groups!
Kelly O.--A bit more of a sundae than a parfait, but once you start eating, you won't really care. Also, a herd of parfaits is a beautiful sight.
Kelly R.--I would have preferred more raspberries and less whipped cream, but it was still tasty.
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