Location: Lawson (convenience store) in Hirakatashi
Members present: Owen, Kristin, Kelly O., Kelly R.
Parfaits tried:
1 Chocolate ¥250
1 Mochi ¥300
2 Cafe Au Lait ¥300
Chocolate--Chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream layered together, topped with chocolate sauce and hazelnut pieces.
Mochi--Mochi flavored ice cream layered with fluffy cream, a single mochi in the middle, caramel(?) sauce, and chocolate chips on the bottom.
Cafe Au Lait--Very simple--a top layer of vanilla ice cream, a middle layer of coffee ice cream, and a bottom layer of vanilla. There were also little pieces of chocolate cookie and chocolate sauce.
Kristin--review of Mochi parfait: A cheap fix when you want a slightly different taste. There was enough there to be content, but lacked that certain interest and delicacy restaurant parfaits have. There was not much contract between any of the layers, and the flavor itself was bland. It was supposed to be mochi...but was a weak attempt.
Kelly O.--review of Cafe Au Lait parfait: Truly the Dairy Queen of parfaits. Lucky for me, I like DQ. ^.^ Though it was very simple fare, I thought that the ice cream was decent and creamy. Also, this is a good choice for someone who just wants an ice cream fix, as they are considerably cheaper than the little thingums of Haagen-Dasz, but they also provide more ice cream. Think about it.
Kelly R.--review of Chocolate parfait: Very, very delicious. It was nice to purchase something cheap for this club for once! The problem is, I can't say this really counts as a parfait. It was labeled as such, but aside from a small crumbling of hazelnut and the slightest drizzle of chocolate sauce, it was just glorified ice cream. Don't get me wrong, this "parfait" was one tasty little cup of chocolate. If you want a quick and cheap fix, go for one of these.